ILHI stands as a vanguard in the gaming industry, providing creators with diverse opportunities to secure funding and transform bold visions into gaming reality.

Membership at ILHI is completely free, except when we find a sponsor for your project, the commission terms will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

After your game is released through us, you retain full ownership rights, including the freedom to choose platforms and partners for further distribution.

At ILHI, we value games that embody a deep, original vision, with narratives that can ideally be conveyed over the course of a single evening.

We choose not to enter into exclusive agreements with platforms to keep games widely accessible.

We strive to comply with the laws of platforms and countries where we publish, which supports our operations.

We draw inspiration from various corners of the world and embrace innovation, including the strategic use of AI to craft unique gaming experiences.

Release with us

We provide informational and technical support, along with access to community and funding opportunities